Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Little Update

Over the last couple of weeks I have begun to get a little glimpse of what the next 4-5 months are going to be like. Because of different situations that have come up I have been working 50-60 hours a week. I don’t say any of that to get pitty, I say it because I need prayer. I need God to continue to give me strength to get through my long days of work. Though there are days I want to give up, there is still no question in my mind that this is where God has called me to be. God has been speaking to me in ways I can’t explain. His grace truly is amazing!

Colossians 1:17 has been on my mind a lot lately. It says, “And He is before ALL things, and in Him ALL things hold together.”

Father I thank you so much for the grace you continue to pour upon my life. Father I pray that you would continue to give me strength to get through my long days. I need you more then life it self! You are truly my precious ALL in ALL!

I do have to say once again how grateful I am for my dad. He has a unique gift of bringing fun energy to an atmosphere during difficult times. Though he is working much harder then I am, he will show up on any given day and lighten up the mood! I love it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing how we can be specifically praying for you :-)
I'm sure that as you are working joyfully, it is setting an example to both employees and customers alike!

I so want to come to your store!

overthinker said...

whoa. 60hrs. you don't have my pity but you do have my admiration! ;) i'll keep praying for you.
Jenn's right. I'm sure God is using you as a testimony to His grace in the way that you live/work for Him. even on your worst day--His power is displayed in weakness. {2 corinthians 12.9-11}