Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Monday, May 19, 2008

Preparing for New Attitude ‘08

I don’t know about you but, I’m pretty excited about New Attitude ’08! As I reflect back to Na ’07 I’m reminded of all the memories that were made and how faithful God was to convict me of sin and show me areas in my life that I needed to grow in. I’m amazed at the sustaining grace God in His mercy has poured upon my life since last May as we traveled to Na ’07. God has already begun to do a work in my heart this week in my quiet times as I’ve been preparing myself for the conference. This week is going to be pretty crazy for me with big events both nights before I leave. I will be going into the conference without much sleep, so please pray that God would give me a burst of energy as I arrive in Louisville.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll be praying that for ya Candace. take your ipod and try to sleep in the car a little...

alright so i guess that's not very practical. i'll buy you some starbucks so you stay with us, 'k? :)