Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Friday, May 22, 2009

Maryland Day #2

Today, Amber and I had a great time with family! We started the day off going to a quaint little café for breakfast with my grandparents, followed by a visit to my 95 year old great grandmother’s house. While there we visited with her and my great uncle who lives right next door. We had a lot of fun with them… they caught us up on a lot of family history and we got a tour of the house that she’s lived in since her husband built it in the 1960’s. After visiting with them my grandfather gave us a small tour of where my mom grew up, we went to Bob Evan’s for lunch, then all the gals headed to the mall and did what we do best….shopped till we dropped! We went back to my grandparents house and ordered some of the best crab cakes you’ll ever come across. They were delicious! And after dinner we took a trip to Bruster’s Ice Cream. Of course it was oh so yummy! It was a fun-filled, yet tiring day! There was much laughter involved, which means, the day was GREAT!

Here’s a few pictures of our day!

My great grandmother has about 350 bears collected through out her house. This was just one of the piles.

Such a wonderful woman!!!

On our way back from shopping with the top down...

Thought you all might get a kick out of this! This is Amber holding Joshua as a baby and I'm holding my mom's step-sister Becky.

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