Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Monday, October 13, 2008

Constantly Faithful

I just finished reading through the chapter titled, “Faithfulness” out of the book I’ve been reading, “The Fruitful Life” by Jerry Bridges. As I've mentioned in previous posts, this book has been so convicting and outstanding to read. I would recommend it to anyone! If anyone would like to borrow my copy, you are more than welcome to (once I'm done reading it, that is :) )! Here is what the Lord has been showing me and reminding me of through this chapter:

“Consider for a moment the absolute necessity of the faithfulness of God. We are dependent upon His faithfulness for our final salvation (see 1 Corinthians 1:8-9), for deliverance from temptation (see 1 Corinthians 10:13), for ultimate sanctification (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23), for the forgiveness of our sins (see 1 John 1:9), for deliverance through times of suffering (see 1 Peter 4:19), and for the fulfillment of our ultimate hope of eternal life (see Hebrews 10:23). We can easily see that every aspect of the Christian life rests upon the faithfulness of God, and we have the assurance that ‘The Lord is faithful to all his promises’ (Psalm 145:13.”

“A faithful person is one who is dependable, trustworthy, and loyal; who can be depended upon in all of his relationships; and who is absolutely honest and ethical in everything. As with the other graces of Christian character, the first step in growing in faithfulness is to acknowledge the biblical standard. Faithfulness entails absolute honesty, utter dependability, and unswerving loyalty.”

Something that I’m learning time after time is that God is faithful and that will NEVER change! I’m realizing more and more every day the faithfulness of my God and Savior. He was faithful to me yesterday and today and will still remain faithful tomorrow. “Am I this person”, I asked myself? In my desire to grow in being more like Christ, I needed to challenge myself and ask myself some questions: Am I the type of person who is constantly faithful to reach out to others? Do I make an effort on Sunday mornings to go meet the new visitor? Have I been following up with friends and asking them how their doing in their relationship with God? Yes, I might ask someone how they’re doing or go say hi to the new person, but do I always follow up? God is not a person who asks how we’re doing and then, doesn’t follow up! He is CONTSANT! I want to be that person more often than I am now! I want to be a person who is CONSTANTLY asking people how I can be praying for them or how I can serve them. God is faithful to meet our every need, every second of the day!

God has placed individuals in our daily lives that we interact with that we are to care for and hold accountable. Obviously I cannot even begin to compare myself to God, I am wretch and He is Holy. I’m a sinner and He is a Savior. No, I cannot work in other people’s lives like God can, but He does use us as "means" in other peoples lives. He calls us to reach out to the weak and weary, to help those who are falling away from His truths, to serve those in need of service. Faithfulness to God includes faithfulness to one another. It is God who requires that I be faithful in all of my earthly relationships. So only if I seek to grow in the grace of faithfulness toward others will I have any hope of hearing Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

"Great is Your Faithfulness"

Faithful are Your mercies Lord
They drench me like the dew
Pure and sweet Your holy love
I find my joy in You
Your favor greets me like the dawn
My burning heart must sing
To You who rises over me
With healing in Your
Healing in Your wings

Your faithfulness is higher
Than the heavens
Deeper than the sea
Great is Your faithfulness
Your faithfulness is higher
Than the heavens
Deeper than the sea
Great is Your faithfulness to me
Great is Your faithfulness to me

You seat me at Your table Lord
You’ve given me a place
You robe me in Your righteousness
Adorning me with grace
You crown me with Your victor’s wreath
You gained upon the tree
You take the oil of gladness
And pour it out on
You pour it out on me

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