Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fellowship With God

One of the greatest privileges of a believer is to have fellowship with God. We do this by listening to Him speak to us from His Word and by speaking to Him through prayer.

“There are various spiritual exercises we may want to accomplish during our quiet time, such as reading through the Bible in a year and praying over certain requests. But the primary objective of our quiet time should be fellowship with God- developing a personal relationship with Him. I talk to God about what I am reading. I like to think of the quiet time as a conversation: God speaking to me through the Bible and I responding to what He says. This approach helps to make the quiet time what it is intended to be- a time of fellowship with God. We are to train ourselves to be godly; and training involves practice.”

Something that I’ve found helpful is to view my quiet times as time taken out of my day to spend with my Father in heaven. It is an appointment every day to receive conviction, edification, and encouragement from Him. Just as I need food to keep me healthy, I need this food for my soul. Just as we would be excited to meet up with a friend, we should be even more excited to spend time in the Lord’s presence. It should be the delight of our hearts!

Psalm 119:15-16- "I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word."


Colleen Moore said...

Sweet Candace, thank you for this refreshing reminder! I found myself taking a deep, cleansing breath and exhaling it slowly at the end of your post...It has really set the pace for my day...when I get sucked in to running around trying to "get things done" it is helpful to be (gently) reminded what the highest priority is. Thank you for your faithfulness to share what the Lord is doing in your heart and life! Love you! =D

Candace said...
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Candace said...

I'm glad this encouraged you, Colleen! God has just been so kind to speak to me through this book. He is so good! Love you too!