Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Proverbs 31 Daughter

Recently on the girl talk blog they’ve been doing a series of posts on the Proverbs 31 women.

Through the posts I’ve been reminded of what my call as a daughter and young lady is to be. I’ve heard of many young ladies viewing this passage of scripture as one that is only geared toward a wife and mother. I can think that, but knowing my own sinful self I don’t think that cultivating a heart of a Proverbs 31 women is going to happen immediately on the day I become a wife and mother. This is something that takes a lot of practice! I know this, simply because of the examples I've had growing up in a Church full of godly women and the example I've had displayed every day in my home through my mom. Though I’m still in a season of singleness and am not a wife or mother yet, I do believe that as a daughter, I am called to be a portrait of some of the roles that the Proverbs 31 women displays. Not in the way I will serve and relate to my own (Lord willing) future husband or children, but in the way I relate to my dad as his daughter.

The Bible teaches in Ephesians 5 that wives are to submit to their husbands, as to the Lord and in Ephesians 6 it teaches that children are to obey their parents in the Lord. I believe that my call as a daughter is to submit to my father and obey all that he asks of me until (Lord willing) he hands me off to my future husband. Just as I am to obey the commandments that God has set out for His children, I am to submit to and obey my own father. Carolyn Mahaney writes: “We read that the woman was created to be her husband’s helper; (Genesis 2:18) then in 1 Corinthians 11:9 Paul writes that man was not created for woman, but woman for man. In Titus 2 we find that the list of instructions for the younger women begins and ends with their relationship to their husbands. Proverbs 31:12- “She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life. And you do not know what the Lord has planned for your future. Your doing good to your husband could be the very means God uses to soften his heart toward you and toward Himself.”

Everywhere the word “husband” was inserted I believe that the word “father” could be there as well. God has ordained that fathers are to be the head of the family just as Christ is the head of the Church. (Ephesians 5:23) Personally in my life, my dad has ALWAYS known what was/is best for me. Even though I don’t always realize it, in the end he is always right!

Here are the top three things that I try to remember as a daughter (through my moms example) when striving to serve and submit to my dad:
1. HELP my Proverbs 31 mom in all her daily tasks of serving my dad and family
2. COMMUNICATE to him that I respect and honor him
3. LISTEN when he gives instruction because he always knows what’s best

With all that said, please know that I’m not trying to place condemnation on anyone. This is something that the Lord has been showing ME. I'm definitely not perfect at any of the things I said. Know that there are many days that I fail to respect my father as the Bible calls me to do. With all that is going on in my family right now, I know my dad is in need of extra honor and respect and he most definitely DESERVES it! I give all the glory to God! It is only by His sustaining grace upon my life that I can say what I’ve said!

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