Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lift Up Your Eyes

This past year the Lord has placed many challenging things in my life and I've had to learn time after time to rest in God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. God has shown me that He is steadfast and that His love is greater than any trial or pain. Though it has been a hard battle and there have been many days of feeling downcast, I’m so grateful to God for everything! Just when I thought I was so deep in the water that I was going to drown, God came and lifted me up. I can't imagine where I would be in my relationship with God had I not gone through some difficult things this past year. I've learned numerous things! I know there will be many more circumstances/trials that will come up in my life, but I have hope (I know I’ve said this SO many times) because God has been faithful and he will be again!

This morning I came across the following quote out of a daily devotional titled, “Streams in the Desert” and I found it to be very helpful, convicting, and encouraging:

“We must remember that it is not in any easy or self-indulgent life that Christ will lead us to greatness. The easy life leads not upward, but downward. Heaven always is above us, and we must ever be looking up toward it. There are some people who always avoid things that are costly, that require self-denial, or self-restraint and sacrifice, but toil and hardship show us the only way to nobleness. Greatness comes not by having a mossy path made for you through the meadow, but by being sent to hew out a roadway by your hands. Are you going to reach the mountain splendors?”

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