Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Thursday, November 29, 2007

God The All

"God The All"

There is no comfort in anything apart from enjoying thee
and being engaged in thy service;
Thou art All in all, and all enjoyments are what
to me thou makest them, and no more.
I am well pleased with thy will, whatever it is,
or should be in all respects,
And if thou bidst me decide for myself in any affair,
I would choose to refer all to thee,
for thou art infinitely wise and cannot do amiss,
as I am in danger of doing.
I rejoice to think that all things are at thy disposal,
and it delights me to leave them there.
Then prayer turn wholly into praise,
and all I can do is to ador and bless thee.
What shall I give thee for all thy benefits?
I am in a strait betwixt two, knowing not what to do;
I long to make some return, but have nothing to offer,
and can only rejoice that thou doest all,
that none in heaven or on earth shares thy hnour;
I can of myself do nothing to glorify that blessed name,
but I can through grace cheerfully surrender soul and body to thee,
I know that thou art the author and finisher of faith,
that the whole work of redemption is thine alone,
that every good work or thought found in me
is the effect of thy power and grace,
that the sole motive in working in me to will
and to do is for thy good pleasure.
O God, it is amazing that men can talk so much
about man’s creaturely power and goodness,
when, if thou didst not hold us back every
moment, we should be devil incarnate.
This, by bitter experience, thou hast taught me
concerning myself.

-Valley of Vission-

Daily Bible Verse:

Psalm 32:11-“The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.”


Anonymous said...

Hey Candace!
I've gotten your comments in the past, but whenever I clicked your name it never took me to your site. But anyway, now I've found you! haha
WHen are you coming to Gainesville again!? Last time you all game I feel like I hardly said hello, we were leaving for a concert that day while the fall festival took place.

Candace said...

Hey Ang! Well, this weekend I will be in Orlando but, hopefully sometime soon I will be able to head over to Gainesville again. I would love to have a day just to spend with all you girls. You have all been such a blessing to me:)