Treasuring His Word

Psalm 94:19, 22- “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul...the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm Back!

Note: Sorry ahead of time if it seems like I'm rambling... I typed this really fast.

This past weekend I returned home from a ski trip in Basye Virginia. The main group that went was there for a week and throughout the week we had many people joining us from different churches and they stayed for a few days. We had a total of seven different Sovereign Grace Churches represented (Jacksonville, Orlando, West Orlando, Gainesville, Charlotte, New Charlotte Church plant, and Gaithersburg). I’ve summed up the trip in three different categories below:

Fun: Overall this trip was a ton of fun! Here a some of the things that made the trip so “fun”!
-Lots of Hiking and being adventurous
- Visited Covenant Life Church and heard an outstanding message from Josh Harris
- Went to D.C. after church on Sunday
- Met some new friends from CLC that joined our group one day
- On Tuesday the majority of the people on the trip went skiing and Jenn, Christine, Jason, Kevin, and I all stayed back. Instead of skiing we decided we were going to explore mid western northern Virginia because SURELY there had to be something fun to do there. FALSE! We started our day by cooking and eating a lovely breakfast together, and then we tried to go to the New Market Battlefield to learn something on the trip. Except they wanted $9. $9 to see an empty field. Strike one. Then we tried to go to the Luray zoo which ended up being a shack on the side of the road. Strike Two. So then we had a picnic lunch in a park where then someone (not going to mention who ;) ) dropped the football into a flowing stream. The football did end up being retrieved (after many laughs and climbing to get to it) and we finally decided “lets take a ride on the Beautiful Skyline Drive” Once we decided to do that we realized we didn’t have enough gas to make it where we wanted to exit Skyline Drive so we then drove seven miles out of the way to find a gas station and then drove seven miles back. By the end of the day we made it back to our town house safe and sound with lots of funny story’s to tell. Though the day didn’t necessarily work out as planned it ended up being a blast! (Some of this story was by Jenn Romanski. Love ya Jenn!)
- Fun games at night
- A total of 40 hours of driving and the great conversations within the cars
- Taking a hike in 19 degree weather with a wind chill of 0 degrees. That was by far the coldest I’ve ever been but definitely worth the hike to a beautiful waterfall!
- Cooking dinners with all the girls
- The traditional Cracker Barrel stop we take on every trip

Refreshing: I came out of this trip feeling very tired but refreshed. I was tired simply from all the fun we were having but at the same time refreshed with God’s love! Going into the trip there were many things laying heavy on my heart. To make a long story short, the biggest thing was contemplating whether or not God was/is calling me to continue working for my dad or to pursue something else (different job, decorating classes, teach dance etc.) My dad asked me to be in prayer about it because he didn’t want me to feel like I was “stuck” working at Bruster’s or feel guilty if I did decide I didn’t want to continue working there. My desire is to seek and follow God’s will for my life, but because of some things God has been laying on my heart lately I’ve been a little confused in seeking what to do next. I was really looking forward to spending a lot of extended time clearing my head and praying for guidance. Every morning when I would sit at His feet I sensed His presence and love pouring into my heart. Though there are still some un-answered questions, the Lord has reminded me out of Jeremiah 29 that His plans are for my good and His glory and plans that will give me a hope and a future. God has continued to remind me to seek, delight, and trust in Him during this “waiting” season. All I sensed God telling me on the trip seemed to overflow into yesterday’s church service. Everything that was said, songs we sang, words that came forth were all for me, I’m convinced! God has been faithful! It just amazes me!

Blessed by the Lord: The Lord was definitely at hand during the entire trip. He kept us safe, we didn’t have too many injuries and we only got lost a couple times… =). We all sensed the Lord’s presence on New Year’s Eve as we reflected upon His faithfulness to us in 2008. The Holy Spirit worked mightily and it was a very fruitful time for us all. Thank you Lord!
Here are some pictures! Check back over the next couple days for more! =)


Hannah Elisabeth said...

my sweet friend,
I keep forgetting to put up a link to your blog so I can check it often, so I need to do that. I was talking with my mom the other day about how many amazing memories i have from being at your house when we were younger. it seems like it's impossible this many years have passed since those days, but it's so amazing to hear and see your heart for God. I am definitely going to be keeping up with you, praying with and for you! I too am in this "waiting" season and it's been hard sometimes, but I anticipate the day when we're out of this season!! praying! love, hannah

Candace said...

Hey Hannah! It's so great to hear from you! Yes we sure did make many great mamories when we were younger. Oh how I miss those days back in Atlanta!

Thank you so much for praying for me! "Waiting" seasons usually aren't easy to get through but God is always faithful to draw us closer to Him as we seek His will. That's the truth I've been clinging to lately. I would love to know how I can specifically be praying for you. My e-mail is or you can just send me a facebook message =).